Complete Application Essay.


Please upload a PDF of your Personal Essay responding to the following prompt:

In an essay of 500-1,000 words, please articulate your interest in and aptitude for pursuing this demanding graduate program. You may wish to explain why the content, theme, or overall curricular approach is especially attractive to you, or to describe the formative aesthetic or intellectual experiences that have inspired your passion for the study of the humanities. If you describe such experiences, you are encouraged to be specific, identifying what particular works of philosophy, literature, art, or music have been meaningful for you, and why.

Your essay should give a clear sense of the breadth and depth of your various interests; concrete examples of significant academic or intellectual achievements; and firm evidence of both your ability and determination to meet the considerable challenges that this program of study will entail. You may offer any other details that you consider relevant to your application, including how this degree will fit into your overall academic or professional trajectory, or how it will otherwise answer to your defining commitments, convictions, motivations, and—especially—aspirations.

Since the study of the Greek language will be an integral part of the MA, you may also wish to describe your aptitude for the study of Greek, your successful acquisition of other second languages, or your interest in classical culture more broadly. Finally, you are encouraged to include anything else you consider important to share with us.