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[Tutorial Block] - Watch the full video tutorial for Maintenance View! Maintenance View collects a few special views: Unpaid Content shows all published content that hasn't yet been paid by sponsors. Switch the table to Late Payments to see content for which sponsor payments are late. Content to Update shows any content that has been manually switched to Needs Update status, or whose Review Date is up to one week from now. This property is based on the Last Updated property and the Update Interval (Days) property. For content such as blog posts covering timely, often-update topics, you may want to specify an update interval. (Example: Our financial aid article on College Info Geek has to be updated with new federal guidelines once a year, so we set a 365 day interval). Projects on Hold shows any projects that have their status manually set to On Hold. To see content that is simply late (based on Publish Date), see the Late Content view in Content ProjectsContent Projects.

Unpaid Content

All Unpaid


All Unpaid

Late Payments

NamePaidPay StatusPay Due DatePublish DateSponsorChannelSponsor Pay StructureStatusURL

Content to Update

No.NameReview DateLast UpdatedUpdate Interval (Days)ChannelURLPublish DateStatus

Projects On Hold

NameChannelStatusPriorityLast UpdatedPublish DateCreated ByCreatedRow UpdatedSponsor