Website Redesign [DEMO PROJECT]

Website Redesign [DEMO PROJECT]

Project Overview: Redesign to be faster, more modern, and to have a greater focus on content and SEO-friendliness. Feel free to delete this project after you've looked it over a bit to learn how the projects system works.
Project Info






Board view - State


Board view - Tag


Calendar view


Completed Tasks

StateDoneTaskDueNext DuePriority


October 14, 2021

🧀 Medium


Overdue Sub-Task Example
March 15, 2022



Test PerfMatters speed changes
February 10, 2022

🧀 Medium


Install 2FA plugin
March 18, 2022



June 18, 2022



Design header
March 17, 2022

🧀 Medium


Design footer
March 17, 2022

🧀 Medium


Test full-width splash image
March 18, 2022

🧀 Medium


🧀 Medium


Dateless task sub-task with date
March 15, 2022

🧀 Medium