The Deferred view collects all of the tasks in your system that are not important right now. This includes tasks that are Snoozed, added to the Someday list, or that are Cold.
If a task comes into your system that you can’t deal with now, but that you want to assess again at a specific date, you can Snooze it. Give it a Snooze date, and then you’ll be able to come here and see it when it’s relevant again. The default view here shows tasks with a Snooze date coming up in the next week, but you can also view all Snoozed tasks in the All Snoozed tab.
State | Done | Task | Snooze | Project | Smart List | Due | Contexts | Note | Parent Task |
Add tasks that you’re not sure you’ll actually do here in the Someday list.
State | Done | Task | Due | Snooze | Project | Smart List | Note | Contexts | Parent Task |
Cold Tasks
Cold Tasks are task with a Due Date that are more than 14 days overdue and that are not High Priority. The logic behind Cold Tasks is that a task which has not been done or re-scheduled for more than 2 weeks is not actually important to you. So Ultimate Brain gets these tasks out of your normal Time-Based views, and safely stores them in this cold storage locker. There is also a dedicated
Cold Tasks page, which is identical to this view (it’s for Ultimate Tasks users who are used to have it as a dedicated page).
State | Done | Task | Due | Project | Smart List | Contexts | Next Due | Parent Task |
Ultimate Brain for Notion by Thomas Frank | Tutorials | More Templates | Follow Me on Twitter