Live: Dr. Peterson x Elon Musk

Live: Dr. Peterson x Elon Musk

  • They reference science fiction work Stranger in a Strange Land. by Robert A. Heinlein. I have never heard of this work, but supposedly it is the source of where Elon has chosen the name for xAI’s chatbot Grok.
    • To grok in the book supposedly means to learn something very deeply.
  • They discuss someone named Paul Ehrlich. Both Musk and Peterson were discussing how damaging Ehrlich’s anti-natalist ideology has been for humanity. Musk claimed outright that he hates Ehrlich.
  • Peterson makes a very interesting point about the West’s most sacred images.
    • He says that the West’s most sacred masculine image in that of a man being crucified alone on a cross. This image is a monad.
    • Then, he says that the West’s most scared feminine image is that of a woman with child. It involves two figures and is therefore a dyad.
      • One interesting thought I had after this is that it’s interesting how these two sacred images of the West create an eternal, or infinite, loop because the man who dies on the cross is the child who is present the mother.
    • Peterson finally concludes that he thinks that when the a culture separates femininity from its highest calling of motherhood they lose their connection to their most sacred images and the culture goes on its way out.