The Perfection of Freedom: Marriage and Private Property

The Perfection of Freedom: Marriage and Private Property

  • This episode had an impact on me. I remember being very excited as I listened at certain points.
  • The idea that has stuck with me since listening (it’s been 2 months) is that you may want to love your wife more than God, but if you allow yourself to love your wife more than God then you will end up loving your wife less than if you would have loved God more than her.
    • This philosophical concept stuck with me because it really emphasizes getting the proper order of things. It illustrates how important it is to value the proper things in their proper order at their proper amount. This is ultimately my definition of wisdom: Knowing how much to value each thing in relation to everything else.
    • This episode influenced me as I began working on and finalizing my The Self. database. I was interested in how I should properly order my life.