August 25, 2024.

Thinking in light and dark.

Metaphor of the smoke not being able to be seen when your in it, but only when you step outside and look upon.

Lord, help me. I feel so anxious about the Alyssa situation sometimes. Please help me to trust you. I know you are growing me so much. I thank you for that.

Levi’s message today really convicted me. The thing that stuck out to me most was that sin never feels like sin when you are doing it. It just feels like passion or desire, etc.

Tomorrow is a new day. It is the first day of my next semester. I am relly excited. I want to grow a lot this semester. I hav learned this summer that growth can happen at the pace I choose, and that the quicker I can learn lessons I con move on to the next challenge. Therefore I want to be super intentional and diligent about learning every difficult skill I can this semester. No longer can I be late, absent, or irresponsible. It’s time that I grow up and becoem a man. You BE a man by doing what a man does. A man doesn’t give in to temptation but is strong and stands by his words and convictions. This semester I want to: Attend every class on time and do my work extremely well. I want to really learn Latin and Greek and make A+’s on every assignment and overall for the course. Then I want to write a lot and work on Autodidact as much as I can. That is my biggest personal priority.

The Website.

A video a day. Reading and writing.

Then working out and movement is what I care about second most personally. Finally I want to capture as many good times with my friends as I can in this final semester of love