Today I woke up at 8:14 and began working immediately with my brother on Focus Mate. I am trying to figure out this daily journaling system as I write this.
Today’s To-Do’s:
I am thinking today I will go to Highland after class and read half of my Leaves of Grass page limit. Then, I will work on my rough draft for Ralston essay for an hour or two or until completion. After I will read more Leaves of Grass.
Then, next work session will be on building my CV. I will either do that in library or outside somewhere.
Write a two part poem about the joys of headphones but also the joys of just hearing common sounds today.
Listened to Light of the Mind, Light of the World: Illuminating Science Through Faith | Spencer Klavan
Began painting at 1:30.
Listened to Chris Bumstead on Modern Wisdom. Very good. He’s more like me emotionally. He sounds like Hormozi still though in many ways. Great men come to true conclusions.