October 18, 2024.

Last night, I had a dream about Alyssa. That’s been happening so much lately. She’s been the first and last thought I have each day since I met her. I hate not getting to be with her, but when I look at how everything went I know it was meant to happen exactly as it all did.

In the dream, she was hitchhiking and I picked her up. On the car ride the conversation was great I was falling in love with her, but right before I woke up she says she needs to get out here. She had to go somewhere else. She was no longer going the same way I was going. I didn’t want her to leave. I tried to convince her to come with me, but she couldn’t. I had to pull over and let her out. I was worried for her safety. I was worried about who would pick her up next.

I woke up very sad, but also at peace with her leaving me. I felt that we really were heading different places in life and that my path is the one of wisdom and blessing and that she maybe isn’t oriented towards those things even though I wanted her to be.

Last edited time
Oct 18, 2024 9:05 PM
Created time
Oct 18, 2024 8:58 PM