October 26, 2024

Morning Thoughts and Prayers.

Last night was the first dream since meeting Alyssa that involved women who weren’t her. There were two beautiful girls who I really wanted to have one night stands with and who wanted to have it with me, but I knew that wasn’t what I wanted deep down. Alyssa only became involved because I was talking about how I knew one night stands weren’t wise and good for me after my experience with her.

I woke up the least concerned about her as I have been able to muster since knowing her. I realized this is how she’s been waking up everyday basically since breaking up with me. I realized that I probably did what Alyssa did to me to Chandler. I felt really bad for doing that, but knew how little I liked Chandler and how it really couldn’t have been any different. It just is the way it is.

God, forgive me for how I have behaved. Thank you for giving me the ability to learn and grow from experiences rather than be doomed to repeat. You are in control and I love you. Amen.

Notion Time-Tracking Idea.

I just had the idea to put my time tracking feature back in Notion. I think it will be useful to see how long it takes me to do everything. My fear is that it will overwhelm me. But I think it will be cool to be able to relate an entry to a project or a book. Then, at the end get to see how long everything took me.

It can maybe be a feature outside of the website. And I just use it’s data to put into each project as information. I will be thinking about this. But I think it will be very useful and help me get better at managing my time. I would want to track:

  • Time began
  • Time finished
  • Activity
  • Date

Other Notion Ideas:

  • Also thinking of great ways to organize things by year and location.
  • And how to break down endeavors into subtasks and to-dos.

Notion Template Series.

Need to make an entire video series where I show all of my Notion Template’s features and even compare and contrast with Thomas Frank’s Ultimate brain.

Van Trip change of Plans.

Maybe won’t go travel around from university to university and graffiti. That will make me lose my focus. The main project needs to be saving money and having enough time to work on my projects. The Notion Template, the website, my videos, my Skool. Everything else honestly would be a distraction in this season. I just need good wifi, good nature, and good solitude. Everything else is lagniappe for this upcoming season.


Today was beautiful. Mom and Nanny’s party was great. I loved seeing all of my family. We had fun and there was a lot of love. Me and Mikah kicked butt at pickle ball. We face-painted all the kids and they sold lemonade off a trailer. I missed that because I was playing pickle ball with Mikah. It was good to see everyone. I was happy.

Last edited time
Oct 28, 2024 12:23 PM
Created time
Oct 26, 2024 5:15 PM