October 28, 2024.

Today, is my Mom’s 57th birthday!

New Morning Routine. Started my new morning routine today:

  • Wake up at 4:44.
  • Get ready.
  • Focus mate at 5:00-5:25.
  • Then, 5:30-5:55
  • 6:00-6:50
  • Walk until 7:15.
  • 7:15-8:05
  • 8:15-9:05
  • Head to Greek class for 9:30.

This gives me 4 hours of work before I would normally be waking up. This routine is certainly worth it I just need to be disciplined about gettin sleep and waking up. My Alarmy app helps with this.

Work can make me less myself, but I need to craft a new identity.

I don’t feel as much myself to days like today because when I am so consumed with the work I often leave myself no time to think, walk, and read. These are really important to me and they must become priorities. But work right now is the greatest priority. The most fulfilling and transformative thing i can do I the long hard hours of work required for bringing substantial things to life. I mean literally just my page on my time at LSU took me over 15 hours probably.

Today I was too tired to feel great about what I did. But it truly was incredible. If I just apply myself to this routine for a long enough time I will see results. Most importantly I will become the man who wakes up at 4:44 everyday to read and write. That will make me so proud of myself and I will get to take that with me everywhere I go each day. This is a season of self-transformation. I never thought I could be as sexually pure as I am now. I feel so free and happy because of it too. The other sin in my life was indolence (and it was all because of my sleep), if I can conquer that too. I will be such a greater man. I will be the man I have always wanted to be and I will be him for all the right reasons. God, life isn’t about the flukes or the rarities. If you do something once it is not you. Your character is what you do over and over and over with out anyone even knowing. That is how form is sculpted. That is how something becomes true. Help me build my character daily, by doing things I am proud of, by doing things that grow me. Bless Alyssa. Show her your face and heart. Bring my father to you too and help my mother through this time.

Emerson’s Journals.

I want to start reading through Emerson’s journals for a few pages every night either before or after I do this. I want to be shaped and influenced by his work of journaling. I want to do what he did but better. With technology as it is today, it is very possible. My Notion is something far greater than he ever had. But system is secondary to substance. My system may be better, but he had substance. Lord, please give my words substance.

Last edited time
Oct 29, 2024 3:36 AM
Created time
Oct 28, 2024 12:23 PM