Aspirational Magnum Opera.
January-October 2024: Visual Metaphor Academy
Water Fast until I have Read Entire Bible.
Take each of my Senses to the level of a Master.
Take each of my Senses to the level of a Master.
Learn Rhetoric.
All Self-Educative Ideas.
January-October 2024: Visual Metaphor Academy
Water Fast until I have Read Entire Bible.
Take each of my Senses to the level of a Master.
Take each of my Senses to the level of a Master.
Learn Rhetoric.
Learning for Writing.
Learning for Filmmaking.
Learning for Music.
Learning for Art.
Learning for Business.
Learning for my Humanity.
Water Fast until I have Read Entire Bible.
Take each of my Senses to the level of a Master.
Take each of my Senses to the level of a Master.