Create Autodidact Brand.

This is an idea I have had for a while now and I am excited as I continually watch it evolve. In many ways it has grown out of an obsession I have had since childhood: how to journal, document, and keep track of everything I think and want to accomplish. I have always loved journaling, collecting, and organizing information. Also, my mind is scattered and disorganized in many ways, so I think this desire of mine has grown not only out of interest, but necessity. The website and notion template are really the outgrowth of this desire to have a second-brain that helps me organize myself and become effective in my journey to self-actualization. Autodidact though has taken on more meaning as my problems have become larger. As I age I want to have time to master meaningful skills and be given the freedom to continue an independent self-education, so that one day I can contribute something of real value to others. This website is my attempt to document and possibly get compensated for my efforts at a continued, effective self-education. Also, as I have aged, I have found that if there was any career I could see myself enjoying it would be that of a teacher or Professor. I love being free and on the cutting-edge though, so I have never wanted to follow the standard path to this profession. I have felt I want to create an decentralized professorship for myself, unattached from any institution, and I feel that the internet offers great possibility for me in this way.
Created time
Aug 11, 2024 10:26 PM