LaGreca Lifestyle Brand.

I have an idea to create a brand similar to Ralph Lauren’s, he is a great inspiration to me. But, I have this obsessive desire to make my relationship to each object in my life the best it could possibly be. I want to have the best towels, the best toothbrush, the best toothpaste, the best bed sheets, the best clothes. And for me “best” doesn’t just entail the aesthetic of the thing, although that is very important too, but it is also mostly centered around the health and quality of the product. I want it to have no chemicals and breathe health into people. I will continue to go about with my work of finding products that already exist that meet my requirements, but as a I grow and get more knowledgable and skilled it may be cool and fun to begin producing each of those objects in the way that I find most beautiful. It would be like an accompanying work to the essays that I will write about each object a human interacts with. It will take all that thought about man’s best relationship to things and transmute it into something real and actionable.
Created time
Aug 11, 2024 10:14 PM