Make Tithing a Creative Outgrowth too.

For a while now I have thought it would be cool to set financial goals not based on how much you would like to earn, but based on how much you’d like to give away (assuming you’d give away at least 10% of everything you earn). For example, if you wanted to give away $100,000 dollars that year, you’d have to make at least $1,000,000. However, I don’t really trust charities, and I find just giving money away too passive and not fulfilling enough. Starting even with the small money that I make I want to always give my 10% in a grassroots, personal, and creative way. This will change over time, but it is just a goal of mine to make a charity of sorts with all the money that I will hopefully give away over my life. But even while making nothing I want to find creative and effective ways to allocate my money for service.