The Sphinx’ riddles. Problems are problems.

  • Okay this video will be heavily influenced from my conversation with Connor the other day.
  • We were taking about him not working out. He’s been saying he would and that he was going to start soon for the longest time.
  • Alex Hormozi video of Ladder and learning skills that I watched at BC.
  • Emerson and solving the Sphinx’ riddle.
  • Carla talking of the how life will keepsending you harder and hardr lessons until you learn.
  • Hormozi talking about how your limiting factor will always be your limiting factor. Since it’s your weakness no matter what input is coming through you it will be limited their. That will be why you keep failing. Cause it’s what your bad at. It will keep being this way until you become better at that.
    • (Now that I am thinking of it I’ll jot this here. But it would be a good exercise for me to think of all the things I keep failing at and to see what skill I’d need to learn to fix that. For example, my grades arent as good as they could be cause I always miss class. Missing class makes me not know what is going on. Then I miss quizzes or test or homework. Getting 0’s on assignments really drops my grade. I miss class because I
Created time
Oct 4, 2024 10:42 PM