Video Essays on all the Greatest Creators and Works in Literature, Cinema, Art, and Music.

As I educate myself on all of the greatest works and the lives of their creators I would like to share what I learn by making videos after completing each step in the journey. For example, I could have the American Literature Series, I would read all the works of Emerson and then make a video about each one. Then, I could read a biography about Emerson and make a video on that. Or I could read a biography of Van Gough and his writings. Make videos on each of those. Then, I could view all of his paintings and make a video on each of those. I could use the Taschen complete art books for this. Finally, I could read about Kubrick, then watch each of his movies and make a video about that. Once I would finish a series on a creator which would entail a biography video and a video on each of his works then I would take all of these videos down and move them to my Skool page as a course. The purpose of this series would be to learn more about the history of each respective field so that I can better create and innovate within it and also to learn about each artist in order to understand their process and work in order to better my own.