My counselor wanted me to try an exercise writing letters of gratitude, so this is my 1st attempt. Since you're leaving for Europe tomorrow for about 90 days, I thought you might be the 1st person I'd want to write one to. Even though this is an exercise, I mean every word that I am about to write!
I could have never picked specifically who my siblings would have been, but I am so glad you were one of them. Truly, I am grateful and thankful to have you in my life. More than that, I am grateful to have gotten to experience life with you to the extent and closeness that siblings do. Watching you grow from baby to boy to man—it was a real gift and honor of my life. I can still remember changing your diaper on the old living room floor of the barn. I remember you peeing off the front porch. I remember you always having to poo when work was needed to be done! I remember so many details and memories of your life, and getting to truly know you on that level is something I really cherish. I guess that's the bond of a sibling. To know the great and not so great parts about someone, and still love them so unconditionally anyway. And more than that, to see the good in them. To know their intentions, desires, and who they are.
You've taught me a lot about life. You've made me want to be a better person. You've challenged me, inspired me, encouraged me, and loved me. That is also a gift!
You are such a special person, Labe. In so many ways I wish I was more like you. The way you love people so genuinely. The way you're so accepting and welcoming to everyone. You make others feel good about themselves. Your smile and your smile provides joy and happiness in others. You love well. You're passionate. You feel very deeply.
God has uniquely and wonderfully made you. I know that sounds so cliche but I really, really mean it. And I don't want you to lose sight of that. Life gets hard sometimes and we lose our way, but don't lose sight of the special gifting and talents God has blessed you with. Use to bless the world.
I can honestly say with complete honesty and faith, in my life, I really have never met any people as special as you.
So here I'm coming full circle again...
Thank you. Thank you for just being you. Because it's really stinkingly awesome. Thank you for always being there for me. To listen. To bounce ideas off of. To inspire me with your own thoughts and outlooks. To connect with. To grow and share with. To hug me. To always tell me you love and miss me. To love my kids and be the best uncle ever!!! To be my little brother.
Thank you for all you have been for me and to me. Thank you for all you will be.
I really wouldn't want to imagine my life without you in it. Life is 1,000,000 times better with Laban LaGreca. And I feel so blessed and lucky to get a front row seat as your sister.
And thank you for my glass crab cutting board. Every time I see it I think of you and smile.
Thank you for all of the smiles and laughs for the past 23 years.
Thanks for being you and who you are to me! I love you!