This is a paragraph that tells of how Emerson taught himself Rhetoric. I need to go through these works and add the to a self-educative curriculum.
Robert Lowth, English Grammar
John Walker, Rhetorical Grammar
Blair, Lectures on Rhetoric.
“As a freshman Emerson studied Robert Lowth's workaday English Grammar and also read John Walker's Rhetorical Grammar, a book devoted almost entirely to elocution, to reading aloud, and to public speaking. Walker is concerned with "correct" speaking. Emerson learned not to say "uppinion" for opinion, "sensubble" for sensible, or "terrubble" for terrible. As a sophomore Emerson studied Blair's classic Lectures on Rhetoric and wrote frequent compositions. Blair provided a lucid, reasonable, widely accepted approach to English style. Blair treated figurative language not as "the invention of schools" but as the natural clothing of the energetic and passionate speech of ordinary people.”