First: What Are the Things that I should be Devoted to.
I have been feeling for a while that I need to set a clear vision for all the things that I need to be Devoted to. This word devotion to me has an extremely strong resonance. To me if I were to be devoted to something my life would truly reflect the love, care, and sanctity that I assigned to that object.
God (Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Bounty) , My Future Wife and Children, My Highest Self, My Family My ideas that God has given me
What would a life truly devoted to God look like. A Life devoted only to the truly best things. With an aim like that what else would fall to the wayside.
My Wife
(I have seen so many been become extremely mature and virtuous once they found a great woman. I need to do that before I even meet her.)
A life devoted to my future wife. If I were serving her with all of my heart.
I would not even look at another woman lustfully.
I would not even consider dating or getting involved with any woman who did not exemplify the highest moral character and beauty.
I would work so hard knowing that I was one proving for her and two that my rise of the social ladder would lead me to her.
I wouldn’t be going to social events that inhibited my ability to stay healthy and prevent me from working at my highest ability the next day.
I would quit master-bating and watching porn. I would get my desires completely under control so that I could best serve her once we are together.
Second: How Can I Transform my Every Ambition into a Form of Servanthood.
I want to be a YouTuber. I can see this as serving others by giving them knowledge that I wished I had. Giving them motivation I know I needed. Giving them Encouragement. Teaching the Truth and Virtue. That Has me serving God.
I obviously need to make serving God and others at the forefront of my mind. I need to see that everything I do can be done with a servant’s heart. I need to see that every single thing i do is going. to ser oter somehow. I need to see how serving God and others is the highest form of serving myself. I need to see that every good action is serving the Good and every bad acion is serving the devil or evil or death. I want to serve life. God there has been something in me so oriented towards death and destruction. Help me to kill that part of myself. Take my thoughts words and deeds captive and begin living a great life.
I dont need to be better than anyone to serve them. In fact servants were always considered lesser than. I don’t have to be bor better than anyone else or called to be great in order to try to be great. Part of the reason I feel I need to be born great is so that success will be guarenteedand that failure wouldnt be an option. I want to be preordained to be great so that I can eliminate the fear that I am merely trying and that there is a high probability it could fail. The truth is that I dont need to have been born greta. I just need to do my best to be a vesel for god and to sevre others. If god doesnt bless it it isngt blessed. A man is spinning his wheels without God’s blessing. I need to take that to heart. It takes all the pressure off in my opinion. It puts me into a position where My only focus is on saying good things and doing good work that builds my moral charachter and then the rest is up to God. I don’t need to think about my success or let it affect my ego. I simply am just doing good work for a great purpose.
Third: What is the New Structure that Can Hold My New Life.
What are all the things that I have felt God tell me in the past I need to do at one point or another that I have neglected to do. Those are probably the things that will make my life a new wineskin so that I can hold the new wine of my better life.
I need to go to church every week.
I need to start praying every day (especially before meals and while peeing and pooing)
I need to read the Bible or Book of common prayer every morning or Night.
I need to get consistent sleep.
I would have my phone off for most of the day.
I need to give up music (except for Classical), youtube, podcasts, TV. I need to deprive my brain of stimulation. So that my brain will choose to eliminate boredom through healthier means. I would read.
I always think that its so terrible to have to not be hearing interesting things when I am doing simple tasks. But the truth is that There would probably be so much time saved if I just didn’t always distract myself. There would be such clearer thoughts. I mean yea, if I was attempting to live a new life, I would need some new structures. Everything has to be right in magic and I would need some different tech for some new magic.
Today is easter. Today is a day of Transformation. God help me to become new. Truly, Truly New.
What would my new day look like
I would wake up at 7:30
i would begin working immediately on taking notes from my reading the night before. I would be writing at this time ideas from
the structure would be wake up
write and think of all that I read yesterday.
Write a script based on those insights and film that video.
Post the video.
Work on website
Work on art video
Do latin
hang with friends
read until the sunsets and I am ready for bed
I would fast every Thursday from every possible input except for reading and just be.