Is the Knowledge Database even Necessary?
I have wanted to keep it because I have wanted to sort things by their subjects. However, I really do find it a troubling task. I still am occupied with the task of uncovering exactly what knowledge is needed to live a great life. And I do like the fact that I can sort books and art based off of their sbject. But it isn’t helpful because that isn’t how I see the world really. I will also never make an education path unless it is first an endeavor. And something will never become an endeavor unless it is first an object of the self or a desire of the self. And I think that is what I am coming to. It isnt necessary because it should be in the self. The one aspect that I like about the Knowedge thing thus far is that I can identify what fields of Knowledge need to be learned for statements of the self. But I can do that through a multiselect property to. However, this will not allow me to have pages devoted to specific subjects, where I filter the notes , and endeavors, and people and
Nevermind I do think I should keep it.
Well never mind, maybe I should delete it. Becuase even people are important to me based off whichever of my goals they help me further.
I won’t delete it now, but I probably will soon.