List of Ideas for Second Brain turn these into Tasks.

What is the main goal for my second brain and website?

  • I want it to be a resource of the best information.
  • I want it to be a guide for how to break down the human experience into its highest priority areas.
    • And then once priorities are known. We will have the most effective practices and resources known for that area
  • An area of the best things. For my second brain then there will be ways to track.


  • Place for all food ingredients that I will have in my pantry.
    • Make a digital pantry of sorts. All of the ideal products that I want to have in my real life and then a way to buy them here and get them shipped to me as I need them.
    • Also a way to track how long that product lasted. So I can closer approximate how often I use a certain product.
    • Want this to include all of my health care systems too. How I wash my hair. How I brush my teeth. how I wash my clothes, etc.
    • then from all of those routines it will show which products I use for them.
    • Then I want a way to turn these ingredients into meals or concoctions.
      • I basically want a periodic table of all the household items I love and use.
      • Then, I can have another database that maybe is related to this one where I can pick which ingredients its related to and show how i mix them to mak ethis meal or this soap or whatever.
  • Then i want to have an entire database of human anatomy. This will have everybody part.
    • I want a way to reference these maybe in my daily journal where I would do a health/ailment analysis protocol each day. Then based of what issues i identify with each body part I can assign health tasks that I have stored maybe in another database. Where I would have stretches, exercises, remedies for whatever I say is hurting me that day.
  • Also an entire database of every active nutrient or vitamin in the body and their effects on you and stuff like that. Maybe it would have Pub med terms you could look up for studies on that thing and stuff. Maybe what that thing affects.what too much does. what too little. natural foods that you can eat to get this. then reference that back to my grocery list.
  • Have a way to track meals and what i ate in daily journal. by quickly pulling meals that I have built from ingredients in that database.
  • Then, Obviously my dream of having all of human knowledge systematically broken down, and its relation to human life explained.
    • I want their to be a nice blueprint to how to attain mastery in that subject for almost any person of any level if they are curious in that subject.
  • Have place for everyone I have a relationship with.
    • People I love from up close and afar.
    • What Ive learned from them how they have impacted my.
    • how they make me feel. my best and worst memories with them.
  • Then I can take that resource and book resource and food resource and exericise and make a list that compiles all for my favorite things. things I love and that have impacted me deeply that I want to share. and why they have impacted me deeply and how they shaped my path.
    • I think this will be actually the most important part of my eventual psychology section.
  • want everything to be broken down into theory and practice. input and output.
  • I know for a fact my calling is to be that which calls forth fruit from the soil/soul.
    • I want to be an artist. a maker. a creator.
      • this requires I call for the best from myself so I can bring out the best in others.
    • I want to be an educator.
      • I will have to call forth the best of my pupils by bringing out my best
    • I want to be a farmer.
      • Cal forth the best of my land to bring out the best in myself.
  • Make a list of every country on earth. combine it with their history section from the library of congress. then maybe even their geography and then their mythology and their literature and their architecture and their landscape architecture and then their music.
    • Then all the most popular places to travel their, like maybe national parks and things like this
    • maybe the culinary history of that place too. Maybe even break it down into staple ingredients like well see on my portion of the brain.
    • Then tie it into their language and stuff too. Want it to basically be a massive database for everything you can learn about every place on earth. Then by doing that I will have fairly clearly covered everything their is to know about the entire world.
  • Make a Meditation page that can each day or every second generate a random mediation for you to do.