What do I want to make my mediations about?
What do I feel to be the most valuable. Apart from religious tradition and history. I do tend to love that stuff but its always more of a burden that a pleasure. I feel I know exactly what my spirit wants and this may be an area for me to be completely free.
Can do same session for as long as I want until I have found its run its course.
- Literary Mediations: Things I find in Literature particularly worth meditating on. Ideally they make me ponder some profound aspect of the human experience. Things I’ve memorized. Can maybe even try to memorize certain words during this session.
- Writing Meditations: Prompts to write about something deep, religious, or philosophical(Maybe I should keep these to daily journal. Or maybe I should just write for a few minutes after each Meditation)
- Memento Mortem Meditare (aut Medito Mortem): Mediate on Death. Its certainty. The Shortness of Life. The needs for urgency. The beauty of it. Your fears about it. Etc. Any thing about death can be included.
- Contemplatio: Meditate on God invite him in. Sit in his presence. Praise him. Love him.
- Scripture Meditations: Biblical verses that stand out to me place them here and meditate on their meaning and application to your life.
- Silere Sum: Sit in silence as best you can observe your thoughts as they arise.
- Viderim Virtum: Mediations on virtue. Actions on how to cultivate that particular virtue in your life. Great examples of that virtue in History or literature or in your on life. Mediations on my incorrect beliefs I may have surrounding this virtue and why I should love it. Where you are currently virtuous.
- Videssem Vitium: Basically the exact opposite of virtue in theme but exactly the same in structure. Where you are currently failing
- Cogitare De Ipse: Think upon yourself. Who you are at this exact moment. Your personal history. Your hoped for future. You relationships to those you love. Your relationship to you community, cosmos, God, etc. Your relations to everything. What you are actually, what you could be. Your childhood.
- Prayer: Pray out loud intentionally. Do it for longer than you would at a meal. Before bed or at night. Pray or journal for whatever may arise in your mind and spirit. Try to focus on praise. thanks. petition and repentance.
- (Ero) Affirmations: Things I want to be and want to become. Things I aspire to.
- Engage with Life Mediations: Challenges to do to get you to engage with life better. Action orineted. Or maybe like meditations on the beauty of life how it is the greatest blessing of all And How I should change all of my behaviors to best engague with it. This one could go hand in hand with the mediations on death.
- Gratitude: Be Thankful for things. Thank God. Do Stoic things like imagine you lost a very specific aspect of your existence, so that you can be thankful you have it.
- Right belief Instillation: Try to instill the proper belief into yourself. Such as the belief that I can change myself. I am not doomed to have my bad traits forever they can be changed through right action.
- Mediations on the Masses: Think about how the masses think and act. Empathize as clearly as you can with the Mass, most generic view of lif and living.
- Sublime Simplicity: Meditate on a very simple aspect of life and see its depth. the things yiu take for granted. maybe do something common place contemplatively.
Maybe make it a habit to journal after each one!
Things I’ve been needing to journal about