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Synced Blocks

Synced Blocks

Hey there! This page is filled with a few different Synced Blocks I originally intended to have all around the template.

Unfortunately, I found that Synced Blocks wouldn’t always end up in all of their intended destinations when duplicating a template – at least one of this size.

So I’ve un-synced all of them in the template release – but I’ve kept the originals here, in case you want to customize them and use them throughout your copy of the template.

Here’s a primer on Synced Blocks if you’re curious:

My Day Synced Block

My DayMy Day

Navigation Bar


Navigation Bar (Advanced)

The synced block below is a more advanced version of the default one. It contains links to nearly every part of Ultimate Brain, enabling even faster navigation. If you’d like to use it, click the red outline, then Copy and Sync.

From there, you can replace the simple version within the Navigation bars around Ultimate Brain with it. To remove the simplified Navigation synced block, click the red outline around it, then click the ••• menu and Delete.

After that, you can paste this more advanced block in its place.

Navigation (don’t copy this; it’s just here to show how the synced block looks inside the Nav bar)