Sunday: 11.26.23.

Sunday: 11.26.23.

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Prayer to Begin Your Day?
Morning Question, What Good shall I do this Day?
What am I feeling today?
  • I feel happy because I feel close to Trevor, Mikah, My Dad, and Mom.
    • Relationships matter so much to me.
  • I am disappointed in myself because I have still not finished my PHIL paper, nor my ARTH Final Exhibition. I wish I could be a better student in a lot of ways, but also not enough to change my behavior. I do feel that I’d still rather keep my independence even know I do know that is mostly a mask so I can do the things I want to do without any guilt.
    • But Lord, help me to finish those projects and finish this semester strong. I do want to pursue higher education and I am worried that my lax treatment of my time here at LSU will come to haunt me.
  • I feel very encouraged for some reason, and very hopeful that I am on the right path and that all of this will work out. I will become a farmer and a educator and anything else if I keep first the kingdom of God.
Evening Question, What Good have I done to day?
  • I listened to a good podcast by the Christian founder of Good Ranchers.
  • I walked with my mom at sunset. I felt closer to her although I don’t still feel I can talk freely with her.
  • I feel very close to my dad. I can trust him right now and has been very sweet to me.
  • Trevor, Mikah, and I started the nightly Chamomile tea ritual.
Prayer to End Your Day?
  • Lord, help me to honor your blessings better. Help me to not stray from the narrow path that leads to you. Give me the motivation and vision for finishing the Bible. Keep filling my mind with creative ideas that I can execute on. Give me the time and work ethic to create a beautifully creative life, where I am making awesome things and sharing them with others and getting better at many difficult crafts. God, thank you for every blessing in my life. I lead such a perfect life and I am thankful for that.Please keep showing me the next step and please keep developing the necessary things in me to take them. I love you so much. Help me get to a point where I can enthusiastically say I love you more than all else. But i love you God. Amen!