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Thanksgiving: What are you Thankful for?
- My family. Current, past, and future.
- I am thankful for all who have had a place in my life and chose to love me in that time.
- My friendships.
- God, you have really blessed me in this regard. I have great friends, who call me to higher virtue and fill my dull moments. I can’t express how thankful I am for this aspect of my life.
- Lord, you’ve also given me a great knack at creating and maintaining meaningful connections. I am super thankful for that ability.
- (Side note: I want to continually improve at my ability to be a loving family member and friend.)
- God, what else am I thankful for?
- I’m thankful for the unique sets of problems and circumstances that you have given me. I hope to overcome the problems and honor my circumstance. Please don’t make me like the man who hid his talents in the earth. Help me to be fruitful and hopnor the gifts you’ve given me by multiplying them.
- I’m thankful that very meaningful and important events to me are still ahead of me.
- This one is hard to be thankful for. It’s hard to honestly say that I am happy I haven’t yet met my wife, or had my kids, or traveled the world, or made a lot of money. But truly— and I really mean this— that is an ultimate blessing. That I am moving towards such beautiful things and can watch them unfold and come to fruition in my life. I just need patience and hope. If I can keep those things, I can keep my spirit strong any distance between me and what I hope for with joy and gratitude.
- Anything Else? Definitely, but I’ll stop there for tonight.
- I’ll finish with a prayer though.
- Lord, thank you for the innumerable blessings you have bestowed upon me. I want to honor you with my character, by which I mean I want to have a pure and virtuous internal state of being. If I can have a strong character I can use it to produce great actions, and it is through great actions that I can affect my environment and those around me. This goes back to one of my profound life mottos: I want to call forth the best of myself, so I can call out the best in others. A strong character, a strong spirit, is really the only thing that can give forth to meaningful action in this life, and a strong Spirit can only be maintained through relation to you Lord God. Lord, I’ve been thinking of this a lot. I need to continually strengthen my Spirit if I am going to do anything worthwhile and that requires that I prioritize my relation top you again. Forgive me for my inadequacy. Forgive me for my continually rebellious heart. Make me humble so I can honor the smallest of things. Lord, for that is where you are found. I love you so much. AMEN!
Evening Question, What Good have I done to day?
- I studied Legentibus for roughly 40 mins.
- I completed Orpheus and Eurydice and Ion.
- I really liked both. The Orpheus one actually really touched my heart.
- I also finished Part I of Capitulum 13 in FR.
- My comprehension is getting to a level that I am happy with. It makes me want to get much better though. Latin has been really fun. I do see it (language learning) as a very fun and productive lifestyle. I don’t want to quit. There is so much more to do and learn. I must be constantly be moving towards my mark.
- I played guitar for a bit with the kids and my sister.
- I haven’t really forgotten the chords I taught myself in the summer of 2020 (or was it 2021?). It’s crazy to think that it has been that long.
- Playing a song though where others could sing along. It really brightened myday and it felt so good.
- It felt amazing to use my body in that way too.
- God, I really want to commit to start practicing and instrument everyday. I need to get more disciplined so that I can incorporate practices of Literature, Language, and Art into my life everyday. I say Art here broadly. I want it to incorporate an eventual Writing Practice, an eventual Painting practice, an eventual Instrument practice. I need to build great durable habits around the key areas of my life that I want to continually progress in. That would truly be a life well lived for me.
- I think that’s why this Notion project is so important to me. It’s helping me aquire a focus for my life. I am by nature so disorganized, so chaotic. It’s given me this compulsive urge to make everything in my head and Spirit orderly. If I can get my internal state in order I can have a focus that directs my path. I think that is birthed from my dread of not knowing what to do next (or more accurately I fear having nothing to do next, and I also have an extremely strong desire to see how every aspect of my life fits into a larger plan.) I am not comfortable just doing the next few things that I know I need to do next. I really have a strong desire to see how it will all fit into a plan.
- Right now I do feel that all is going to work out. I just need to keep on the path of working on the next thing that interests me most. If I continually do that I will carve out my unique fate.
- Seriously though, one area of my life that I feel I need to do much better with is doing things that I have previously signed myself up to do, but then when the moment comes to actually do them I have lost interest at that point and despise my previous commitments, and I make my present self ashamed. I need to do better at being responsible and a man of my word.
- That being said I really need to go to this wedding. i told my Nanny I would and for me it would really harm my self-image and self-perception to not go. Also, life is a both and proposition. I will actually fulfill my scholarly duties better if I go contrary to what my weak will would like to tell me.
Current Focuses:
Latin Language:
1 hr of Comprehensible Input
Record 1 Audio Chapter
Listen to 15 mins of Audio
Make Anki Cards from Readings
Review Anki Cards
American Literature:
Read 5 pages a day
Currently Reading Link