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Summer 2024: Europe Trip

Journal each day to document trip in most analytical manner and get facts straight. Can also write about how each of these events affected me, but it is mostly for just getting a reference of every fact and gathering each memory.
Make Videos about each important chapter of the trip. In these videos try you best only to relay the story and no other unimportant details. Use the 3 part structure: poem, narrative, sermon.
Write book on the personal transformation of the past few years and have the climax be this trip. It was this trip that helped me fix a lot of the huge issues. and it has all the details of a good story.

Journal Whole Trip

Make it one single narrative (or many)

Then make videos about many aspects of my trip

London (May 15-


Before Trip Thinking.

Created time
Apr 1, 2024 4:35 AM