
Ideas is where all of my ideas, good and bad, will be stored. The good ideas will eventually move into In Progress and then to Bears Fruit. The bad ideas will just remain here. I will probably never archive them. I want this page to help me store ideas as they come and for reference when I may not be sure what I want or need to be working on next.
Table of Contents:

Writing Ideas.

Essay Ideas.

Poetry Ideas.

Screenplay Ideas

Fragments Needing Better Expression.

Film Ideas.

Video Ideas.

Movie Ideas.

Documentary Ideas

Music Ideas.

Song Ideas.

Album Ideas.

Art Ideas.

Pictorial Ideas.

Architectural Ideas.

Sculptural Ideas.

Photography Ideas.

Learning Ideas.

Learning for Writing.

Learning for Filmmaking.

Learning for Music.

Learning for Art.

Learning for Business.

Learning for my Humanity.

Travel Ideas.

Business Ideas.

Personal Challenge Ideas.